5.1.3Stakeholder Engagement
identifying and selecting of stakeholders
To shape stakeholder engagement, SBM Offshore identified key stakeholders by mapping the level of influence on and level of interest in the Company. The main stakeholders are the Company’s employees, shareholders, the investor community, clients, business partners and suppliers. Other important stakeholders are lenders, export credit agencies, governments in operating areas, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), oil and gas industry associations, universities, researchers and potential investors. Throughout the year SBM Offshore engages with these stakeholders on a continuous basis as part of regular operations and captures that information.
Internally, SBM Offshore organizes regular Town Hall meetings where top management share business updates and establish a dialogue with staff, including participation in worldwide Company events such as Life Day. SBM Offshore also regularly shares information and updates on strategies, projects and people with its employees through the Company’s intranet site and via its internal monthly newsletter.
The Company maintains open and active engagement with its external stakeholders through regular business interactions, including the annual shareholders meeting, analyst and investor road shows/meetings, a Capital Markets Day for financial analysts, analyst webcast presentations, Press Releases, Website updates, surveys and desktop research.
The feedback obtained forms the backbone of the Company’s stakeholder engagement program. The program is complemented by other interactions with stakeholders, in order to validate findings and the feedback received feeds into management’s approach to Materiality and long-term value creation.
SBM Offshore Values your Opinion
SBM Offshore would like to know more about which economic, social and environmental issues are important to its stakeholders.
Would you like to participate in SBM Offshore’s 2018 Stakeholder Engagement or provide feedback for the 2019 Stakeholder Engagement? Please write to us at .